Monday, July 11, 2005


I never played soccer that much in the past, but when I did, I always played defense of some sort. Of course, goalkeeper is always the least desirable position for people to play in the world of less than competitive soccer, so when the job needed to be filled, everyone looked around for the tallest guy - and that was usually me. Simply put, tall guys cover more of the net when standing, and have a better reach when diving for a block/grab. So, yeah, I played enough causal games to warrant buying goalkeeper gloves. Let me tell you they make the job a lot more bearable (especially for my lanky scientist hands).

I recently joined a soccer club and it's definitely been one of the best things I've done in a while. I'm meeting quite a few people as a result of it and, well, I love soccer and it's just so great to be able to play on a regular basis. Of course, in our club we have the same problem...not enough goalkeepers. So, I've been brining my gloves and helping out here and there. Tonight, though, was particularly rough as we only had one goalkeeper. After 1.5 hours of intense 7 on 7, he was wearing thin. So, I offered to help out...and was in goal until the end of the tournament. At the end of the night everyone was throwing me compliments left and right. Apparently I was a superbly skilled goalkeeper that had been holding out on them for too long. In reality, I'm just "decent" at it. But I guess when everyone else is God awful... So, I'm not sure what this all means, but I think there will be a lot less "Defense!" being yelled my way and a lot more "Keeper!"


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