Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Your Mom's A Blog

Some time ago a friend of mine who worked for The Company propagated hs wife's tendency to make mom jokes. This tradition carried to a variety of conventions and I couldn't help but bring it back to the lab where I work. Ever since, I kept a record of all the jokes that were made. I've been meaning to post them to a blog and have finally gotten around to doing it. A lot of people contributed to this list and I thank everyone for their participation. I encourage everyone to take a look. The link to the blog can be found in the sidebar of my blog. Enjoy!


At 9:24 PM, Blogger The1GWiz said...

Your mom makes "your mom" joke lists.

(If I didn't say it, someone else would've. Yes, I know, my mom would've)

At 4:39 AM, Blogger Mkae said...

I've been trying to initiate the policy at my new office with limited results. The few times one has slipped out (yeah, I know "your mom slipped out") I was greeted with looks of shock and horror.

My employee, Rollie, just doesn't get the form and keeps trying the free form approach. I call foul and try to explain the procedure and he just doesn't get it.

I completely befuddled him one day when he said "I'll show you a picture of someone choking" and I replied "you have a photo of your mom on her knees?"

He curled into a fetal position for about an hour.

At 6:53 AM, Blogger Hayden said...

LOL. Hilarious, but that really is a shame. You would think that a company that makes games and/or toys would be all about childish antics. If that's not the case then at least you'd think that any company that hired Dawn would be! He he. Keep at it and in the meantime, keep an eye out for better jobs. ;)

At 7:56 AM, Blogger TheGirard said...


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Mkae said...

I'm not sure who got burned there! :)

At 11:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they let rollie into another game company? wtf, i pray to god it isn't true.


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