Friday, February 09, 2007


It's pretty darn cold here in NYC, especially when the wind picks up. I know it was much colder last year, but somehow it's harder to handle this year. Probably this is because it was like 70 in December and my body decided to register that as "winter is over" even though it really never began at all. At any rate, the cold is annoying me. I was thinking how I want some nice weather. So, I thought, hmm, how about I hop on a plane and head somewhere nice? Sounded like a good plan to me. I've booked my flight and am heading to San Diego tomorrow morning. Fun in the sun, here I come!


At 4:36 PM, Blogger The1GWiz said...

The only possible response to your header...


(waiting for the several possible mom joke responses)

At 7:10 AM, Blogger MarcD said...

Have fun. It's even colder than NY up here in Canada. :(


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