Friday, March 02, 2007

NY ComicCon 2007

As we all know, last year's NY ComicCon was a logistical nightmare. There were far too many people in attendance to accomodate the three halls of the Javits Center they had rented. This year, the folks at ComicCon rented much more of the Javits center, but it still didn't seem like enough on Saturday. The lines were so long that people who arrived at 8:30 am still couldn't get into the gaming area for a Dreamblade tournament that started at noon. Next year they *really* have to do something to get those gamers inside in time for their tournaments.

Logistics as they were, once again, they didn't affect me since I worked for WotC on Saturday. It was great to wander around the Con without standing in any lines. However, nowadays I'm less into all the comics and toys as I once was. I think it's a combination of overstimulation and having to move ALL of my stuff from my youth into my NYC apartment. Anyway, the event was still lots of fun. There was lots to take in and I got to see Kim and Kyle. Both are doing well at Bandai and SOE (respectively). I wish more of my gaming friends could have been in attendance, but maybe if they keep making NY ComicCon bigger and better each year, I'll start seeing more and more of them as time goes on. Fingers crossed.


At 12:09 PM, Blogger BubbaJoe said...

Kyle is at SOE??!? May the lord help us all...


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