Saturday, July 15, 2006

Off to Chicago

Well, it's time. The World Cup has ended and now it's our turn. I'm off to Chicago today to join up with the rest of my teamates for a week of drunken carousing and hard core soccer playing (not necessarily in that order). Our club is fielding two teams, one in each division, but our rosters aren't full due to some last-minute drop-outs, so it's going to be rough depending on how many substitutions we need to make based on fatigue, injury, and so forth. I've been training for months as a goalkeeper, but they may need my legs in the midfield, so who knows where I'll end up. Anyway, I'm off to the windy city again - wish me luck!


At 8:16 AM, Blogger Steve said...

Bon Voyage! Have a great time!

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was awesome seeing you again. You are still Damn Sexy.

Kick ass in your games!



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